Posts Tagged With: Hollywood

Mediation Into Remediation – The Impact Of The “Blockbuster” Industry On Visual Culture, Part 2 (Alice De Bourgoing)
The following is the second of a two part series. The first can be found here. With the recent debate on the switch from illusion to immersion, we know that Hollywood’s image factory produces affect despite our awareness of constructed images. Indeed, our suspension of disbelief works only in cinema.…

Mediation Into Remediation – The Impact Of The “Blockbuster” Industry On Visual Culture, Part 1 (Alice De Bourgoing)
The following is the first of a two-part series. When Damien Chazelle’s La La Land (2016) won six Oscars and seven Golden Globes, I wondered how a film that was not really innovative could be such a success. Indeed, this transposition of classical jazz musical only renews the old genres…