Contemporary Art Category

Images Of Place And Territory In Contemporary Israeli-Jew And Palestinian Art, Part 2 (Yael Guilat)
The following is the second installment of a two-part series. The first one can be found here. Translation from Hebrew: Daria Kassovsky. Representation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Landscapes and Maps In the local history of landscape representation as territory, concurrent with the development of the landscape motif in national-Zionist art, landscape…

Images Of Place And Territory In Contemporary Israeli-Jew And Palestinian Art, Part 1 (Yael Guilat)
The following article is published in two installments. Translation from Hebrew: Daria Kassovsky. Images of maps have been a prevalent motif throughout the history of art, from the 6th- century Madaba Map in Jordan, through Navajo sand maps in North America, to the work of 16th and 17th century artists such…

Degenerate Art and The Modern (Sue Wightman)
“IT’S A SICKENING OUTRAGE! Sadistic! Obscene! Evil! ……. These people are the wreckers of civilization!” (Tory MP Nicholas Fairbairn) The ‘Prostitution’ Exhibition at the ICA, London caused an outcry in the national press and parliament. Debate raged against the ‘degenerate’ nature of the show. Yet again art was testing the…

Lost Horizon – (Dis)location And Identity In Contemporary Tibetan Art (Sarah Magnatta)
In 2011, artist Tenzing Rigdol surreptitiously moved over 20,000 kilograms of dirt from Tibet into the exile community of Dharamsala, India for an installation titled Our Land, Our People. Thousands of Tibetans in the area came to view and touch the land, some with memories of a Tibetan landscape…