Higher Education Category

August 30, 2016

Academia’s Outer Limits (Michael O’Rourke)

Recently I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the name we might give, however provisionally, to those who work at the furthermost reaches of the academic institution. For a long time I had adopted the term para-academia, and this term continues to do productive and unsettling work…

August 29, 2016

Is The Academy A Place for “Idiots”? (George Elerick)

The U.S. economic and social model is associated with substantial levels of social exclusion, including high levels of income inequality, high relative and absolute poverty rates, poor and unequal educational outcomes, poor health outcomes, and high rates of crime and incarceration. At the same time, the available evidence provides little…

August 29, 2016

The Nexus of Dissensus (Victor Taylor)

We should not attempt to bring about a rebirth or renaissance of the University, but think its ruins as the sedimentation of historical differences that remind us that Thought cannot be present to itself.  We live in an institution, and we live outside it.  We work there, and we work…