Archives for February 2020

The Hollow Christians Of End Times Fiction, Part 1 (Paul Maltby)
The following is republished from Religious Theory. A flaw at the heart of End Times fiction gravely weakens its credibility as Christian literature. Its stock characters lack the degree of interiority required for convincing narratives of encounters with the transcendent. The formulaic style of characterization eviscerates Christian experience. This deficiency…

“No Women Amongst Us” – Bare Life, Violence, And Gender in Byzantium (Jared Lacy)
This article is republished from The New Polis, Dec. 23, 2019. Neil Jordan’s film Byzantium (2012), which tells the story of a pair of mother/daughter vampires on the run from a male-only secret society of vampires known as Brotherhood, has been widely read as a feminist approach to the literary convention of…

Searching For The Soul In The Digital Age (Karli Brittz)
A version of this article appeared in Image & Text, Number 31, September 2018. In 2015 Pixar Animation and Disney released Inside Out, a clever, moving film depicting the science of emotion and workings of the inner mind. The film translates cognitive aspects of being human, feeling and memory into…