Archives for December 2016

Treating Your In-Home Automated Concierge Like A Real Person (Brittany Scantland-Lall)
For Christmas, my parents gave us an Amazon Echo. If you’ve seen the commercials (or have one in your home), you know this is the Amazon in-home concierge with “Alexa” who responds directly to your commands. “Alexa, add yogurt to my grocery list.” “Alexa, play Piano Guys Christmas music.” “Alexa,…

Neoliberal Dreams And The Plight Of The Humanities, Part 2 (Carl Raschke)
The following is the second of a two-part series. The first installment can be found here. A longer version is published in .PDF version in an upcoming issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. Seaborg was correct in one key respect. The humanities historically had never really belonged…

Neoliberal Dreams And The Plight Of The Humanities (Carl Raschke)
The following is the first of a two-part series. A longer version is published in .PDF version in an upcoming issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. Neoliberalism, The “Knowledge Society”, and the Birth of Biopolitics The results of the Presidential election of 2016 struck the academic thought-world…

Celebrities Becoming New Focus Of Religious Worship For “Non-Believing Believers” (Madison Tarleton)
Each day millions of Instagram savants wake up and take their morning coffee with the Kardashians, spend their lunch break painstakingly assessing the Angelina Jolie divorce, and settle in for a pleasant dinner at home with Beyoncé and her family. All of this is to say, once we make the decision…