Literature Category

November 17, 2017

Racing For The Prize, Part 2 (Michael Boughn)

The following is the second of a two-part installment.  The first part is linked here. The article was previously published in Canadian Literature 219 (Winter 2013): (193-199).  It is republished with permission of the author. This high/low distinction has haunted thinking about art since the eighteenth century and its spatial language is a reminder of the…

November 10, 2017

Racing For The Prize, Part 1 (Michael Boughn)

The following is the first of a two-part installment.  The article was previously published in Canadian Literature 219 (Winter 2013): (193-199).  It is republished with permission of the author. Not long ago I was “short listed,” as they say, for a big literary prize. How big is big, you well may ask.  Big enough to…