Archives for October 2018

A Cathartic Manifesto: Corporeality In James Joyce, Part 1 (Tim Royan)
The following is the first of a two-part series. James Joyce, throughout his literary career, repeatedly implements descriptions of the human body and its functions as a thematic device through which to explore other, more grandiose literary topics. In the process, he utilizes an almost routine breaking of taboos that…

Building the Pop Music Empire, Part 2 (Olivia Currin Duell)
The following is the second part in a two-part installment. The first part can be found here. Popular music artists as intertextual commodities Indeed, when fans support an artist with such ferocity, and both consume and contribute to the artist’s empire, the studio album can remain an important and lucrative…

Cyberculture And The New Digital (“Xperimental”) Poetics – An Interview With Daniel Y. Harris And Irene Koronas (Esthesis Editors)
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” the ancient Christian thinker Tertullian pointedly asked in highlighting the apparent incommensurability between the two dominant discourses of his day – philosophy and religious revelation. Daniel Y. Harris Today, considering the disconsolation of the arts and humanities amidst the digitization of all life…

Building The Pop Music Empire, Part 1 (Olivia Currin Duell)
The following if the first part in a two-part installment. Author Note: The following was written in 2015 and details how critical discussion of popular music is largely missing from the field of media studies. This essay discusses how popular music fits into a media studies theoretical framework, and more…