Posts Tagged With: African American art

February 19, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 3 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the third and last installment of a three-part series.  The first can be found here, the second here. In recent years, New Zealand museums have risen to the challenge of presenting Native arts in ways that are respectful of spiritual beliefs. One example, given by Andromache Gazi,…

February 7, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 2 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the second of a three-part series.  The first can be found here. Cultural Perspectives & Inequities The history of colonialism in the English-speaking world is such that, to this day, the white majority culture dominates that of indigenous peoples. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States…

January 29, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 1 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the first of a three-part series. The project on which this essay is based focused on art museums within the English-speaking world and their evolving relationship with the art of African Americans and Native peoples. As a direct result of colonialism, the English-speaking world long held that…