Posts Tagged With: Kim Kardashian

April 26, 2020

The Ambivalent Portrait – Locating Resistance And Compliance In The Moment Of Selfie Production, Part 2 (Harold Dalton)

The following is the second of a two-part series. The first can be found here. In the reaction to the photographs of Innes and Kardashian, both of which fit only tangentially within the boundaries of selfie, the meaning of “selfie” overruled and defined the means of production by which the…

Posted in Photography
April 14, 2020

The Ambivalent Portrait – Locating Resistance And Compliance In The Moment Of Selfie Production, Part 1 (Harold Dalton)

The following is the first of a two-part series. Epistemologically, recognizing the importance of routines for media use, means that text and context cannot always be distinguished from one another.” —Joke Hermes (1993) Introduction When I think of the selfie, I am always drawn to a particular moment in my…

Posted in Popular Culture
December 6, 2016

Celebrities Becoming New Focus Of Religious Worship For “Non-Believing Believers” (Madison Tarleton)

Each day millions of Instagram savants wake up and take their morning coffee with the Kardashians, spend their lunch break painstakingly assessing the Angelina Jolie divorce, and settle in for a pleasant dinner at home with Beyoncé and her family. All of this is to say, once we make the decision…