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April 17, 2019

Images Of Place And Territory In Contemporary Israeli-Jew And Palestinian Art, Part 1 (Yael Guilat)

The following article is published in two installments. Translation from Hebrew: Daria Kassovsky. Images of maps have been a prevalent motif throughout the history of art, from the 6th- century Madaba Map in Jordan, through Navajo sand maps in North America, to the work of 16th and 17th century artists such…

April 9, 2019

James Bond And Jack Sparrow – Literary Archetypes Of Contrasting Economic Eras (Marianne Kimura)

Commander James Bond and Captain Jack Sparrow. Both are British. Both are fictional characters. Both are heroes. Both are clever. Both appeal to the opposite sex. Both are good-looking, quick with comebacks, original in their approaches to adversity, and adroit with weapons. Both are seemingly mesmerizing to movie audiences and…

April 2, 2019

“Metasonics” – The Silent Space Of The Vacuum (Jonathan P. Morgan)

Many kinds of structures seem ubiquitous and essential for the kind of meaning humanity concerns itself with. The anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss’ early work on myth and kinship are two significant examples with the influence of each visible in much of our daily existence. Still, we must ask, can structures of…

March 15, 2019

The Equisapien Encounter – Reading Enrique Dussel In Boots Riley’s “Sorry to Bother You” (Conor Ramón Rasmusen)

The following is republished from The New Polis, January 30, 2019. When Boots Riley’s film Sorry To Bother You burst into U.S. theatres this past July, reviewers exclaimed that it was “going off the rails” and “crazy” but was absolutely adored by its viewers. While Riley’s film is both deeply conceptual and simultaneously materially critical of…

February 19, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 3 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the third and last installment of a three-part series.  The first can be found here, the second here. In recent years, New Zealand museums have risen to the challenge of presenting Native arts in ways that are respectful of spiritual beliefs. One example, given by Andromache Gazi,…

February 7, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 2 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the second of a three-part series.  The first can be found here. Cultural Perspectives & Inequities The history of colonialism in the English-speaking world is such that, to this day, the white majority culture dominates that of indigenous peoples. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States…

January 29, 2019

Minority Representation In Mainstream Art Museums, Part 1 (Heather Stivison)

The following is the first of a three-part series. The project on which this essay is based focused on art museums within the English-speaking world and their evolving relationship with the art of African Americans and Native peoples. As a direct result of colonialism, the English-speaking world long held that…

December 30, 2018

Ambient Rhetoric And Graphic Novels (Sergio C. Figueiredo)

In the fall of 2015 I taught a Literary Genre course Kennesaw State University in Georgia on the Graphic Novel (ENGL 3230 Syllabus).  I taught it from the perspective of rhetorical genres as described by Carolyn Miller in “Genre as Social Action.” the features of which are as follows: Genre…

November 9, 2018

A Cathartic Manifesto: Corporeality in James Joyce, Part 2 (Tim Royan)

The following is the second part in a two-part installment. The first part can be found here.  The fact that Bloom implements a diseased prostitute’s body, “medically…speaking,” to launch into an argument against dualism obviously mirrors Joyce’s implementation of the human body for the exact same reason, as well as the…

October 23, 2018

A Cathartic Manifesto: Corporeality In James Joyce, Part 1 (Tim Royan)

The following is the first of a two-part series. James Joyce, throughout his literary career, repeatedly implements descriptions of the human body and its functions as a thematic device through which to explore other, more grandiose literary topics. In the process, he utilizes an almost routine breaking of taboos that…